Monday, June 25, 2012

The importance of pictures

I found out the heartbreaking news of a young girl whose life was cut way too short when she died in a car accident this weekend. About a month ago I took pictures of the softball team that this young girl played on, and now my thoughts and prayers are going out to her family and friends during this unimaginable time.  I know it was just team pictures that I took of her but it still reminded me of how important pictures are to have as keepsakes of those closest to you. So I encourage everyone to take pictures, pictures, pictures!!! Whether you are taking them with your camera phone or bringing them to a professional, just take them. And in this wonderful world of digital pictures, you don't even have to print them to enjoy them :) And don't wait until tragedy strikes to enjoy these pictures, look at them often and smile about the memories. Show your kids their baby pictures and tell them the funny stories behind each one (because there usually is!!). Next time you get together with family or friends have everyone bring a favorite photo to show and have fun going over the memories together. 

On a non-picture note be sure that those close to you know how much they mean to you and give your kiddos an extra hug-which if they are anything like my oldest nephew may not go over real well but do it anyway :)